Monday, May 2, 2011

The Pros and Cons of the Wooden Baby Gate

The Wooden Baby Gate is the former safety gate and probably the most common type of gate. It can be used in most any doorway. This gate is durable and relatively inexpensive, but may not be the safest gate. The pros and cons of this gate must be determined before purchasing this or any gate.

Wood is a fairly durable, solid material. This makes a great material for a gate since the consumer wants to be able to rely on the gate keeping children safe from harm. Most wooden gates also comprise some metal or steel in the manufacturing of the gate. This is someone else great material for a gate to be made of since it is also a solid material. These materials make a very solid, durable, long persisting gate.

Baby Gate

Although the wooden accordion gate is not artificial anymore, it could be found at a garage sale or second hand store. The accordion gate is a wooden gate that has hinged strips of wood that are spread apart to span the width of the doorway. This is not a safe gate. In the 1980's associates stopped manufacturing this gate due to children accidentally pinching their fingers in the hinges of the gate.

Although safety is the sole hypothesize for buying a safety gate, style is someone else huge factor when deciding which gate to purchase. This is one hypothesize why consumers like the wooden gate. Most other gates are made of white or clear plastic or white metal. These gates do not always appeal to homeowners since they do not compliment their home décor. The wooden gate often blends in with the trim of the house, manufacture it feel less like a kid zone and more like a home. Wooden gates often come in multiple finishes manufacture it easy to find a discontinue to match the existing trim in the home.

These are beautiful gates but also can cost more than the plastic gates, often around 0.00. The Evenflo Home Decor Swing Wooden Baby Gate is a beautiful gate, but in October of 2001 the consumer product safety Commission recalled the gate. The plastic mounting hardware that attaches to the wall can crack or break, allowing the wooden gate to unlatch. Also, the plastic hardware attached to the side of the gate can break, creating small parts that pose a choking hazard to young children. Be sure to check for recalls before purchasing a safety gate.

The Pros and Cons of the Wooden Baby Gate

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