Sunday, June 17, 2012

Revisiting Madame Contreras

You're not in Sagara anymore!!!

Could that be an understatement...?

Baby Gate

As the months have found me in new territory delving further into the aspects of tests and initiations. I have found myself amidst the busy and bustling life of New Yorkers. arrival from the serene and contemplative consciousness of the east into the everyday hustle and bustle of subways, unheard of noises, and habitancy with serious yet impersonal style of interacting with one another. (talk about a culture shock) It appears that not smiling and not finding one another in the eye is the way to survive in this town especially on the subways. My own insight into the subways is that having encountered many annoying solar plexus upsets after leaving the subway. It came to me that I was nothing else but delving into the "Astral world of Maya" or in great terms the energies of people's fears, doubts, pride, lust, greed and insecurities. As for me it is part of the nature of the Bodhisattva to continue to be compassionate and to understand that amidst this is the inner need in all of us to want happiness and forgo suffering.

New Yorkers were all out to see the splendid display of Cristos Gates, gorgeous saffron cloth banners in all of Central Park, I felt a splendid feeling of unity while walking straight through them and a meditative way of finding at how nature could be changed with the flow of the these gorgeous banners amidst the bustle of the city. It was a peaceful and gorgeous caress to see New Yorkers participate in this awareness. It moderately changes my perspective of the coldness that is in the faces of these New Yorkers. Ah, maybe I have some compassion setting in.

Currently the biggest tests that have come in to my life is that of trying to concentrate a part of myself to be a meaningful and productive slave to those I come in caress on a daily basis. As a substitute Montessori teacher, also an executive Assistant, a Spanish teacher (it would appear that my past embodiments have caught up with me) in Brooklyn, New York, traveling on those lovely subways for 45 minutes each way every day to where I find myself situated with personnel that yet comprehend I am there to help and not to be in opposition to them and their ideas. Well, maybe that can be one of my tests to overcome and see them with compassion, I believe it is.

As my thoughts and consciousness changes so will theirs I hope. If not I can say that I gave it my best. In regards to this it is hard for my fellow co-workers that they have been told that the building, the Ywca, will be renovating apartments and the school is being evicted, so make room for economic improvements and financial advancement.
This concern can turn ones attitude, and bring about competitiveness. It will close in one year. As I bring compassion and kindness to the situation I understand not to take it personally. (One test high on my list) I understand their plight.

The children are always so innocent and precious they just want to learn how to get along in this world. fantasize arrival from such a pure state, and then having to come here and learn how to cope with all this. Children are pure love, and all they want to do is give it to you. Isn't this why so many habitancy just love to be near young babies.

Oh, some good things do happen on the subways, if you can keep an open mind, I saw a splendid Mexican family interaction, it was great so loving with the two children and the parents, it was like they were smiling and happy and not implicated with being impersonal. (Also, I get to catch up on my spiritual reading)

I seem to be in this place in time for more life lessons arrival from the eastern to the west and one of the best places to be is New York where you can find the diversity of every culture and country. My only aspiration is that among it all I will find the inner power to share my compassion with them as I learn and caress their lives also.

If you can make it in New York you can make it anywhere! Mmm is that so I still have to hurdle the humidity, cold, subways, and Impersonal personalities, but I Am enjoying it for I know I am one step closer to my goal and that initiation turns into a victory won...Namastae!!>

Revisiting Madame Contreras

Thanks To : 3G Tablet ลงโฆษณาฟรี Buy Watch heart rate monitor internet blu ray

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