Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Discipline: What Kind of Discipline Does Your Child Get?

Discipline. This is where we are now with my son. Now that he is mobile and getting into all I am seeing that my vocabulary contains the word 'no' way more. This is for his security only, because certainly isn't that what most of disciplining is about? He is 9 months old so he doesn't know what is right or wrong yet... He is learning this though. Repetition, repetition, repetition! He is comprehension the word 'no' now, he isn't always obeying that word, but I know that he knows what it means.

Discussing with other parents how and when to discipline, I am seeing a wide range of separate techniques. Hand slapping, flicking, appealing child away, putting in a 'time out' area, or naturally putting up gates so that the child can't get to where you don't want them. I'm sure there are many other techniques out there, right or wrong, do they work? One may work for one child and not for another, children are separate in every way. My nephew responds well when you raise your voice a bit, become more stern. His sister on the other hand, could care less. Same parenting, same house, 2 years apart, one emerald, one sapphire haha, guess which is which!

Baby Gate

And then there is the topic of spanking. So many separate attitudes toward spanking, 'well I was and I turned out fine' to ' I would never hit my child' who is right? That is not for me to say. I do believe that if the child, not baby, is aware that they are doing something they are not supposed to, that there will be disciplinary actions and that they will know why they are being disciplined. Watching separate parents and seeing how much time and effort is complex in this is certainly fantastic and inspiring. One mum replied to me when I commented on what nice, thoughtful girls she has "you know there are a few years that are so trying, but it is so worth it, you just have to keep on them" No one said parenting would be easy, filled with joy and so worth it yup, but not easy.

Even though I am not a 'new mom' any more, with every new milestone that we reach I think myself a new mum still. A mum to a nine month old is so separate than being a mum to a newborn and will be so separate than being a parent to a 2 year old or a 10 year old. He is continually changing and learning and so must I.

I discipline my child because I love him, it may not be how you would but we are all different. All I can say is good luck and enjoy the ride!


Discipline: What Kind of Discipline Does Your Child Get?

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